Tubbenden Primary School

Multi-Agency Working

Partnerships  with External Agencies

What support from outside does the school use to support my child?

The school works with a number of external agencies to seek advice and support to ensure that the needs of all children are fully understood and met. These include: completing a Common Assessment Framework (CAF) to identify the right support for a family and holding Multi-agency Team Around the Child (TAC) meetings for pupils when required

Medical Interventions

The specialist School Nurse, school staff and parents write Health Care plans for individual pupils with specific medical needs to provide a consistent approach across agencies


Description of Support

Inclusion Support Service

  • Educational Psychology Service


  • Social Communication Team


  • Sensory Support Service



Anne Wright provides support with Pupil Support agreements and applications for additional funding

The school’s Educational Psychologist is Martin Cousins


The school have at least termly visits from Paul Cabb: LBB Advisory teacher in Social communication and interaction. A specialist TA also comes into school to observe and advise on individual pupils as required.


A team based at Griffins, in Lovibonds Ave support pupils who have visual or hearing impairment


Speech and Language Therapy




TPS have a Service level agreement for two days a term with a speech therapist to advise, provide programmes of support and work with pupils who have a diagnosed speech and language need. A specialist TA is employed 15 hours a week to work with pupils who have identified speech and language targets and social skills, she liaises and develops targets with the therapist.


Referral to Phoenix centre through the school or GP


Referral to Phoenix centre through the school or GP

Referrals to CAMHS should be made through the GP, the school will write a supporting letter to CAMHS for a pupil when appropriate

School Nurse

Occupational / physiotherapy

Paediatric Services

CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service)

Parent Partnership Service:


Bromley Parent Partnership & Choice Service Local Offer

We offer impartial, confidential information advice and support for parents/carers of children with SEN. We offer independent, impartial, confidential advice for all parents/carers with the move from pre-school to primary school and from primary to secondary school.


Educational Professional responsible  for children who are looked after in Bromley

This oversees and monitors provision for children who are in the care of the Local Authority

Lorrisa Webber - Education Lead for Safeguarding Children and Operational Manager LBB can be contacted on 020 8461 7816

Voluntary agencies

Bromley Parent Voice

Burgess Autistic Trust


Bromley Mencap



129 Southlands Rd, Bromley, Kent BR2 9QT

020 8464 2897


020 8466 0790

FURTHER INFORMATION about support and services for pupils and their families can be found in:

The LBB Local Offer, Bromley Parent Partnership, DfE Code of Practice